Meet the Team...
John Kennedy - Founder
John Hartley - Marketing
Amanda Mumford - Social Media
Dan Kennedy - Operations
Liam Bowers - Installations
Howard Kennedy - Installations
Jessica Williams - Customer Services
Fiona Heart - Design
More about Fumaca...
We are a small but growing team of passionate individuals that love the outdoor living lifestyle...
Fumaça was born from a love for outdoor living. From music festivals to camping holidays to many happy occasions spent with our families and friends on beaches or around barbeques and firepits at home; time spent outdoors have always been our best times.
I developed the Fumaca range to be a series of adaptable modular outdoor kitchen cabinets that includes all the best elements of an outdoor kitchen but completely modular so the range can be adapted to suit anyone’s space, style, size and budget.
I wanted to really focus on what our customers want to achieve with their outdoor cooking spaces and work out a way of doing it while making it look amazing, be something to be really proud of to enjoy with family and friends; outdoors, cooking, food, good times!